
welcome to the new domestic! i started working on this site months ago, behind the scenes, & i'm so happy to finally share it with you! i am often asked about the how & why & what of homeschooling, & the answer is so lengthy, i decided to put it all up on a website! but there’s more to the story, & it involves the discovery of what edith schaeffer calls "the hidden art" of homemaking, and a growing love of the domestic life.

while a portion of my personal domesticity has come to include homeschooling, i believe true, lovely, and joyful homemaking can be so much more, whether or not you are a full-time stay-at-home-mom : the choosing of nourishing foods for our families, the intentional soul-tending of our children, the offering of hospitality, and the making of a peaceful & lovely home space. 

for me, homemaking has also meant the loving release of my musical husband to do more of the traveling than i these days. as a young wander-lusty jungle worker, i never would’ve imagined this life i live now. but oh, the depths of joy are found here--here at home. 

if you're new to this site, and/or new to homeschooling, be sure to visit the HOMESCHOOL HELPS tab. while every family will surely have different needs, learning styles, and curriculum interests, here i've consolidated much of what has worked for our family. when i first began to research home education as an option for our family, i felt overwhelmed by the learning curve, & desperate for inspiring resources. though i am still a novice homeschooler, and certainly no expert, i hope something you find here will help you chart a course for your own family.

blog logo handmade by the sweet & lovely mama + children’s book illustrator denise holmes.